1. India taking lead in advocating for digital health innovations… Union Health Secy
The Union Health Secretary note highlighted the robust role of India in advocating for digital health innovations. Despite the current pandemic, the country has been leading the way in digital health and emphasizing the importance of digital solutions in healthcare delivery. Efforts such as the establishment of the National Digital Health Authority and the launch of the National Health Stack are significant steps towards a more digital and healthcare-centric future for India.
2. AMC seals 71 units for violating fire safety and BU norms In a significant move to enhance public safety, the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) has sealed 71 units across the city for violating fire safety norms and Building Usage (BU) permits. This action comes in the wake of a tragic fire at Rajkot’s TRP Gaming Zone that claimed 27 lives. Here’s what healthcare professionals need to know about this crackdown and its implications.
3. Pharma bosses told to submit affidavits on ethical practices by June 30th The government has mandated that pharmaceutical company bosses submit affidavits on their ethical practices by June 30th. This move is intended to promote transparency and accountability within the industry, and to ensure that companies are operating in the best interests of their customers and stakeholders.
4. Cashless claims within an hour and discharge from hospital within 3 hours says IRDAI master circular
According to these guidelines, a cashless claim can be processed within an hour and a hospital discharge can be completed within three hours, under certain circumstances. The exact details of which claims and discharges meet these criteria are outlined in the master circular and can vary based on the specific policy. This move ensures that policyholders receive swift approvals, allowing them to access necessary medical treatment without financial delays.
5. Andhra Pradesh to Launch Five New Medical Colleges, Adding 750 MBBS Seats
In a significant move to enhance medical education and healthcare infrastructure, the Andhra Pradesh government is set to inaugurate five new medical colleges starting from the 2024-25 academic year. This initiative marks a major boost for the state’s medical education sector, with an additional 750 MBBS seats becoming available.
Medical Device Cybersecurity: What You Need to Know
In an age where technology intersects with healthcare, connected medical devices such as pacemakers and insulin pumps play a crucial role in patient care. These devices, equipped with sophisticated software, connect to networks or other devices, enhancing the convenience and timeliness of medical treatment. However, the integration of technology also brings cybersecurity concerns that patients, caregivers, and healthcare providers must address.
The Rise of Connected Medical Devices
Medical devices have evolved significantly, with many now containing software that allows them to connect to other devices or networks. This connectivity improves patient care by enabling real-time monitoring and timely interventions. For instance, a connected insulin pump can automatically adjust insulin delivery based on the patient’s glucose levels, significantly enhancing diabetes management. Similarly, pacemakers can communicate with healthcare providers, offering critical data on the patient’s heart function.
Cybersecurity Concerns
Despite the advantages, connected medical devices are vulnerable to cyber threats. Older devices, in particular, often lack built-in cybersecurity measures, making them prime targets for hackers. Unauthorized access to these devices can lead to serious consequences, including interference with the device’s function, exposure of sensitive health data, and even physical harm to the patient.
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Handling Medico Legal Cases
Draft Policy to define the cases that come under medico-legal and to lay down the procedure on how to respond and report if a medico-legal case avail treatment from
The following cases are considered as medico-legal and the medical officer is “duty-bound” to intimate to the police regarding such cases:
All cases of road traffic accident
All cases of rail accidents
All cases where a patient is involved in any instances of explosion
All cases of factory accident/ unnatural accident
All cases of burns the circumstances of which suggest the commission of /an offence by somebody or involvement of explosives of any kind
All cases of assault
All cases of suicide including the attempted ones
Cases of suspected or evident sexual assault
Cases of suspected or evident criminal abortion
Cases of unconsciousness where its cause is not natural or not clear
All cases of suspected or evident poisoning or intoxication
Cases brought dead with improper history creating suspicion of an offence
Cases of suspected self-infliction of injuries or attempted suicide
Snake bites/ Dog bites
Any other case not falling under the above categories but has legal implications
All cases of Trauma.
All cases of Burns & Scalds.
All cases of injuries due to Electricity, Lightning.
All cases of Poisoning including Alcohol Intoxication & Food Poisoning.
All cases of Unconsciousness where the cause of coma could not be ascertained
All cases relating to Starvation including a Hunger strike
Cases requiring age estimation.
All cases of (victims/accused) of sexual offences including unnatural sexual offences.
All suspected cases of criminal abortions All cases of Industrial hazards
Handling Medico-Legal cases
If the patient refuses the consent or withdraws the consent already given or even leaves the hospital, the doctor has no right to force anything on the patient. In such cases carefully document all findings, note that the consent is not given to register as MLC
In case the patient is referred from another hospital which has already registered a medico-legal case still this will be registered as MLC case here. But if the police intimation is given from the referring hospital, further police intimation may not be required. The name of the referral hospital shall be clearly mentioned in the case records. The referral letter shall be attached with the case records
The patient’s request or accompanying person’s request not to register as MLC shall not be accepted by the doctor if he thinks that it is an MLC and same shall be done without fail and delay
Any case of injury, sexual assault, disease, infirmity or death in which law enforcing agencies have to enquire and fix the responsibility of a person or a group of persons responsible as per the existing law of the land
A doctor cannot refuse to examine medico-legal cases on the basis of being a private practitioner or citing a jurisdiction problem
Never delay in examining a medico-legal case, irrespective of day or night time
If the case brought is a referred case and already registered as a medico-legal case, a fresh report is not necessary
Always obtain informed consent prior to giving the treatment whenever possible
Note at least two identification marks, which are individualistic, preferably from the exposed parts of the body.
A case that is admitted and on treatment, later when found out to be MLC, is made MLC by entering in the MLC register. The certificate here will have to be made by the doctor who sees and labels the case as MLC, by referring to the case sheet and consulting the treating doctor
Detailed history including the exact cause, time and circumstances of the incident should be taken
Write down the history given by the patient in his own words. If the translation is not possible to write down it in the vernacular language of the patient
Emergency Department has to maintain a medico-legal case register in the prescribed format
Every medico-legal case examined in that institution must be entered simultaneously in this register along with the case papers. Many a time this register is called for while deposing in the court
Do not forget to sign the register and the case paper at the end of the examination
Make it a practice to write down your name and registration number below the signature
If the patient has brought a police requisition along with him, mention so in the papers
Write the case papers legibly
Enter the time and date of the examination
Do not strike out anything on the paper. If such a situation arises make sure that the struck out entry can also be read along with the corrected entry. Make a short signature (an initial) near every corrected entry.
An unconscious patient is brought for examination; enter the name and address of the person bringing him in.
Write all the entries including the medical terms in full form
Remember you are writing a document that may be used as a piece of evidence
Leave no scope for ambiguity anywhere
Make it a practice to obtain the signature of the recipient in the register when any medico-legal record is handed over for any purpose
Medico-legal correspondence must follow the principle of the maintenance of the ‘chain of custody’. That means the travel of a particular medico-legal document or an article must be properly recorded at every step. The confidential documents must be properly sealed and labelled before forwarding them
In case of discharge or death of an MLC in the hospital, inform the police of respective jurisdiction immediately
If an MLC is taking discharge against medical advice, inform police prior to discharging. Make it a practice to obtain the signature of the recipient in the register when any medico-legal record is handed over for any purpose. 🚀 OUR Content For This Week
1. ✅ Our Success Stories Of This Week – Join us for an insightful interview with Dr. Srikanth, a renowned orthopedic surgeon turned AI innovator, as he shares his inspiring journey from Bangalore Medical College to pioneering advancements in robotics and artificial intelligence in medicine. Discover how Dr. Srikanth's vision and clarity paved the way for groundbreaking ventures in healthcare.
Here is the YouTube Link -https://youtu.be/z5nBPWA4pSo2 2. Weekly Podcast🎙️ In this comprehensive video, we explore how a balanced gut microbiome can significantly impact your health. From alleviating constipation and preventing fatty liver disease to reducing the risk of gall bladder and kidney stones, maintaining a healthy gut is essential. We also discuss the connection between gut health and obesity, highlighting how beneficial bacteria can aid in weight management. Moreover, discover the vital role gut flora plays in reducing the risk of stomach cancer.
Here is the YouTube Link -https://youtu.be/746SpSaEoik 3. Our Viral Content on Social Media:- Addressing the healthcare gap in rural India! 🌟
Small 50-bed hospitals run by dedicated doctors can be the game-changer we need.
Watch to learn how these medical pioneers are bringing quality care to every corner of the country.
4. Inner Circle Call: Special Q and A session- Inner Circle Call is the community group Zoom call which happens every 15 days, here we discuss various problems faced by doctors and try to find their solutions.
Click Here - https://bit.ly/454f9Xq In this session, Sushanto Mitra will share his insights and expertise on:
The potential and growth of the healthcare sector.
Key factors to consider when investing in healthcare startups.
Strategies for building a diversified and profitable investment portfolio.
Real-life case studies and success stories from the industry.
Whether you are an experienced investor or just starting out, this session will provide valuable knowledge and practical tips to help you navigate the dynamic landscape of healthcare startups. 5. Expert Facilitator Session – These are special session taken by expert of various fields regarding their own experience of the speciality.
Dr. Pranav Sharma, MBBS, MS, M.Ch (AIIMS) & Dr. Amit Singh Moga Ph.D (Healthcare, France), IIM A, IIT R THE DOCTORPRENEUR ACADEMY You Can Share This Newsletter…!!!
13th Feb, 2024 Subscribe Now Welcome to The Doctorpreneur Academy. Thank you for being a lifelong learner...!!! Share this newsletter Via: LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook You can view all previous newsletters here Major Healthcare Developments This Week - #27 1. Stronger Muscles May Boost Survival Chances for Cancer Patients Having strong muscles and staying fit can help cancer patients in many ways. It lowers the risk of death from cancer and other diseases, improves quality of life by...
4th Jan, 2024 Subscribe Now Welcome to The Doctorpreneur Academy. Thank you for being a lifelong learner...!!! Share this newsletter Via: LinkedIn, Instagram, FaceBook You can view all previous newsletters here Major Healthcare Developments This Week - #26 1. How a Kerala Doctor Escaped Digital Arrest Fraud: Lessons for Everyone A doctor from Changanassery narrowly avoided losing ₹5 lakh to cybercriminals impersonating Mumbai Police officers. The scammers used threats of a "digital arrest" to...
25th Dec, 2024 Subscribe Now Welcome to The Doctorpreneur Academy. Thank you for being a lifelong learner...!!! Share this newsletter Via: LinkedIn, Instagram, FaceBook You can view all previous newsletters here Major Healthcare Developments This Week - #25 1. Fortis Healthcare to Raise ₹15.50 Billion via 5-Year Bonds Fortis Healthcare’s ₹15.50 billion bond issuance at a spread of 192 basis points over MIFOR is a significant financial move. It highlights the company’s robust financial...